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About Us

Our logo – the lotus flower...... Padma...... this stunning flower has a life cycle unlike any other. Its roots latched down in mud with the flower submerging every night into river water…. hiding down deep in water that is sometimes also murky and muddy. This flower miraculously re-blooms every single morning – sparklingly clean and fresh and beautiful.  Unaffected by the muck of the night before – resurrecting itself just as beautiful as when it was last seen. This daily journey of life, sleep, and re-emergence is somewhat representative of our lives – rebirthing day in and day out, fresh, new and unaware of what awaits. With such a refusal to accept defeat – it's impossible not to associate this flower with ourselves….. that fascinating will to live – to re-emerge – to show up each and every day to be the best version of yourself that you can….. and bask in your ever-changing beauty.

Home: Welcome

Never ever forget.... even for one moment.... how truly incredible you are

Home: Opening Hours
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I discovered yoga during my first pregnancy, after always being physically fit and active, I felt the need to slow down and enjoy this process.


Yoga came to me by way of a book, learning and practicing at home and on the beach. This practice grew as I journeyed through 2 more pregnancies resulting in 3 beautiful children


Many years were spent learning what Yoga meant to me, both on and off my mat. It was during these years that I discovered the power of stillness and mindfulness. 


The ability to stop, walk away from it all for a short time and treat myself to clarity. It was difficult to begin - always thinking "I should be doing this......" - now - it's easy. Now I am aware that "this" will wait.


At this point I knew that it was my calling to share this with those who were willing to give in to the process of learning to sit or flow in the moment, remove ego, expectations, and just be here....  in each passing moment.





I have been a dedicated yoga student for over 20 years now and have come to rely on my (almost) daily practice to help keep me balanced in all dimensions of life and wellness.


To deepen my own practice I enrolled in a slow paced, 11 month teacher training program at Shri Yoga in Brisbane back in 2017. This was a wonderful experience and I felt so blessed to be able to spend a whole weekend every month practicing and enhancing this wonderful practice of yoga.


Since completing my yoga training, I have provided corporate yoga sessions, was part of the start-up of a small open air yoga space in the Brisbane suburbs, and taught briefly at the Rosslyn Bay Wellness Centre before they shut down. Now that I'm here in Emu Park and have found this beautiful sanctuary that is The Haven, I am excited to start providing yoga to this wonderful community.


My class styles are largely vinyasa based with an emphasis on being mindful of how you breath, move, and hold yourself both mid pose and while you transition between poses. By being mindful of how we move between yoga poses as well as how we hold ourselves within the pose, we can create stability, strength, and openness in our muscles and joints, and also open up the energy channels of the body.


Intro to Pure Bliss Studios

5 classes in 14 days for $25

*no extensions, no refunds, one purchase only per person

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