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Your Quick Guide to Classes

YIN - If you'd like to Chill through deep relaxing stretches and mindful guidance

VINYASA - If you'd like to flow through postures to create one beautiful sweaty sequence

HATHA - If you'd like to challenge yourself by pausing in traditional asana's

RESTORATIVE - If you feel like having a long guided mindful nap with gentle deep, long stretches

Self acceptance is one ingredient in the recipe for transforming your life

Home: Welcome
Yoga Class

Slow Flow

For those who are either discovering the magic of yoga, or returning after a spell... or maybe the Yogi who just wants to lose themselves through a nourishing flow. 


With our offerings of a flowing class you can expect thorough instruction of breath, alignment and of course time to discover and lengthen those moments of mindful bliss.


Exploring all of the key elements and common asana's of Vinyasa and Hatha, this may well be the best place to land to explore the strong, the mindful, the flow and the breath journey of your practice. To "flow" like no-one's watching. 

Yoga at Home


A balancing practice that soothes the body, mind and soul. Yin is that special something we should incorporate into our weekly schedule. A journey through long blissful holds in gentle lengthening poses with focus on breathwork and mindfulness.


This deeply nourishing practice targets the deeper yin tissues of the body, including the joints, connective tissues and fascia in order to create more space and flexibility within the skeletal and muscular system. Energetically it seeks to free up internal blockages through our meridian lines to enable chi (our vital essence) to move freely through our bodies.​


You can expect to take a long, deep pause in any Yin Class. You can also expect to lose yourself within those moments of blissful, internal silence where the chatter disappears.

Yoga on Deck
Practicing Yoga


The word Vinyasa comes from the Sanskrit "to place in a special way". Vinyasa aligns a deliberate sequence of poses with the breath to achieve a continuous flow. It is sometimes described as the union of breath and movement. Being slightly smoother and faster than Slow Flow it really a delicious way to work up a sweat.

Yoga on Deck


A mindful grounding practice that encompasses traditional asanas (poses) and pranayama (breath). The practice builds strength, improves balance and increases flexibility by pausing in each pose to experience the benefit on your entire body.

Practicing Yoga
Yoga Class

Vin Yin

This is the perfect combination of a bit of work combined with a bit of rest. Flowing through the beauty of a Vinyasa practice to work up the strength, heart rate and sweat, but magically finding lengthy pauses in nourishing Yin poses. 


This is the perfect afternoon class, movement and relaxation combined in one little hour.



Restorative yoga is a practice of deep gentle stretches supported by blankets, pillows &/or bolsters to allow you to completely rest, relax & surrender. Restorative is about using the time to press the pause button & to give in to the process of finding lengthy moments of stillness.


We don't always have to work hard to benefit our body. An active lifestyle is fabulous, but long, deep, supported poses help your body to fully engage, soften & allow the precise positioning to work it's magic.


During this 90 minutes of bliss, it's not only your body receiving nourishment, your teacher will guide you through breathing and mindfulness to enable you to let go of stress and release completely into your space, completing your practice with a lengthy Yoga Nidra or guided meditation.

Home: Opening Hours

Intro to Pure Bliss Yoga Studios

5 classes in 14 days for $25

You must make an account on the Kriya System first, then head to the "Pricing" page and choose your package.

Follow the "Buy Now" links

*no extensions, no refunds, one purchase only per person

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