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Yoga Group

Beginner Yoga Workshop

Ever wanted to start or get back into yoga? This popular Beginner's Yoga Workshop is a great way to gain the confidence and encouragement you may be looking for to begin or revisit your Yoga journey. We aim to prepare you for what you could expect when attending a Yoga class.

Suitable for complete beginners, this beautifully structured Workshop will guide you through breathing techniques, asanas (yoga poses), yogic flows and meditation techniques.

Learn breathing techniques commonly used in Yoga.
Work through seated postures using support such as blankets, bolsters, straps and blocks
Discover a yogic flow as we learn the basic steps of the very commonly used Sun Salutation A and Sun Salutation B

Explore more complex breathing techniques.
Begin to move through twists, back bends, arm balances and inversions.
Piecing it all together in a gentle flowing class and completing the weekend with a taste of Restorative Yoga and a Guided Meditation​.

Equipment Required
Please bring the following
Bolster or firm pillow
Yoga mat (we have some to loan)
Yoga strap (or long scarf)
Yoga blocks (we have some to loan)

2 x 120 min sessions

Saturday May 27 and Sunday May 28

10am to 12noon


You must make an account on the Kriya System first, then head to the "Pricing" page and choose your package. 

Follow the link below

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